Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I ran across this name today............

Been sitting here entering in the information that I lost when the hard drive ate my genealogy and run across names that really make you think, "What was the parent thinking." Today's name that makes you go hmmmmmmmmmmm is................

Blue Jean Stidham

This is the 5th child in the family. Did they just run out of names and thats the first thing they saw when she was born? Was it a family name? Just makes me go hmmmm lol :)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

My life as a genealogist

Ok so, people ask how I got into genealogy so I figured I would set up a blog to let people into my corner of the genealogy world.

In 1997 I was in a great history teachers class and was assigned a 5 generation family tree to do. No problem I remember thinking as I stayed with my great grandmother a lot then. Went home knocked that homework assignment out of the park in a few minutes. But I was intrigued by things that my great grandmother had said so on we went with the tree. Ended up turning in a 10+ generation tree with pictures, stories etc.

Now we are in 2010 and I am still plugging away at it. It gives me an escape from the outside world. Yes, there is a lot of head banging on brick walls. But for some reason it is calming to me.

As I get back into the swing of things I hope to get an ancestor's story a week here on my blog as well as great breakthroughs that happen. Also I want to let anyone reading this blog into any great sites that I find. :)